Pubg pc update today
Pubg pc update today


PUBG Mobile was the second most downloaded game in 2019, finishing just behind Garena Free Fire. The game has already crossed 600 Million downloads and doesn’t look like it will stop anytime soon. Over the course of two years, PUBG Mobile has become a premier title that boasts a huge player base.

pubg pc update today

The game has revolutionized the gaming landscape for mobile gaming and is now the flag bearer for mobile Esports. PlayerUnkown’s Battlegrounds is a Battle Royale game available on PC, Xbox One, Play Station 4, and Mobile. Click here to know everything about PMCO 2019. Currently, PUBG Mobile Club open, an international tournament is ongoing in various regions across the globe. Post this multiple tournaments across platforms including ESL, NPL and various other regional and international level tournaments were inagurated. Besides, it also has a Zombie mode in three variations: Infection, Survive till Dawn and the Darkest Night in the mobile versions.Įsports for PUBG began with a charity tournament in 2017 marking the sales of 2 million copies. The EvoGround consists of Team Death Match mode set in a warehouse map. War and Mini-Zone available in Erangel, Miramar and Sanhok maps in the mobile versions. In-game loot and supply drops allow the player in PUBG to replenish supplies to stay competitive in the game and the last player to live wins the chicken dinner. However, things get interesting over time as the playable area constantly shrinks due to the presence of a powerful field, effectively enforcing faster pace and increased battle scenes towards the end of the game.

pubg pc update today

Players will have to drop from an aircraft at any desired location within a map, collect weapons, attachments, throwables, healing items, vehicles, etc to defend themselves from opponents. PUBG centers around the concept of survival of the fittest.

pubg pc update today

The game that defined the battle royale genre in 2017 received multiple game of the year nominations and also won the Best Multiplayer Game of the Year at the 2017 Game Awards. PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG) is an online multiplayer battle royale game developed and published by Tencent Games' PUBG Corporation.

Pubg pc update today